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The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Alumni Volunteer Corporation, in coordination with the undergraduate Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter, conducted a fraternity fundraising plan and made plans for a new era of Virginia Kappa as a Residential Learning Community chapter. This venture will separate them from their competitors, create a strong partnership with the University, and attract the best and brightest young men at Virginia Tech.

A Sigma Phi Epsilon Residential Learning Community (RLC) is an accredited program based on the residential living/learning concept. Its goal is to augment the fraternal experience with an academic focus beyond the classroom. Integral to the RLC is a faculty member, who serves as the Faculty Fellow for the undergraduate chapter. The Faculty Fellow and the chapter partner together to develop and implement the RLC programs that meet the needs of the undergraduates. Sigma Phi Epsilon was the first fraternity to offer a program of this kind nationwide. Similarly Virginia Kappa will be the first fraternity to implement it at Virginia Tech.

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